Solution 12
Movie set assembly and decoration
Aggregates - Silicas

Silica Sand 4010
Median Size: 45 mesh
Size coherence: variable
Colour: white
Grain shape: sub-angular
Surface profile as abrasif (MILS): 2.4
Available in 50 lb bags

Silica Sand 7030
Median Size: 100 msh
Size coherence: variable
Colour: white
Grain shape: sub-angular
Surface profile as abrasif
(MILS) 1.0 Available in 50 lb bags

Silica Sand GR-4095
Median Size: 38 mesh
Size coherence: variable to neutral
Colour: white with black specs
Grain shape: sub-angular
Available in bulk only

Portland Type GU
A general-purpose cement suitable for all uses for which the special properties of other types of portland cements are not required. Also referred to as Type 10.
Available in 40 kg bags.

Portland Type HE
High-early-strength cement for use where high early strengths are required. Also referred to asType 30.
Available in 40 kg bags.

Portland Type HS
A high-sulphate-resistant cement for use in applications that require high levels of sulphate resistance. HS cement generally gains strength more slowly than other cement types. Also referred to as Type 50.
Available in 40 kg bags.

Federal White Type GU Cement
Federal White Type GU Cement is a true portland cement manufactured with selected raw materials to insure negligible amounts of iron and manganese oxides so as not to produce the gray color of normal portland cement.
Plasters and Gypsums

Hydrocal FGR 95
HYDROCAL ® FGR 95 is an economical, specially formulated, high-strength gypsum cement designed for use with glass fiber for fabricating lightweight, thin-cast, and fire-resistant glass-reinforced architectural details.
Available in 40 kg bags.

Hydrocal White
HYDROCAL® White Gypsum Cement is a higher compressive strength, multi-purpose gypsum cement, ideal for both solid and hollow casting of lamp bases, figurines, moldings and general castings. It is a versatile, bright white gypsum cement that offers superior strength than most plaster products.

White Art
USG White Art Plaster is a superior interior casting plaster specially formulated for creating hollow and solid novelty art castings, such as statues, moldings and lamps that might be painted.
USG Faux Pro FX
When mixed, USG Faux Pro FX™ yields a lightweight plaster that hardens to produce intricate castings. Ideal for creating realistic bricks and boulders for film, stage or photo props, and other fine detail objects that need to be light in weight.